Keep an eye out for three new faces in Ginger Meggs this year...

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Australia is a culturally rich and diverse country, and the world of Ginger Meggs should represent that diversity. Kids growing up today are lucky to be exposed to a bigger range of different cultures, traditions and languages than our generation were growing up, and its important young Aussie kids of all walks reading Ginger Meggs see characters they can identify with.

So starting in 2019, keep an eye out in Ginger Meggs for three new diverse faces in the motley crew of Aussie kids: A great little Aussie cricketer whose parents moved from India to start their own medical practice, a young indigenous girl who plays music and teaches the boys a thing or two in the sports field  and lastly, a young Malaysian-Australian girl who gives Fitzzy a run for his money in the class quiz -and doesn’t mind giving Coogan a piece of her mind when he’s being a smart-mouth.

Adding characters to a comic strip as old as Ginger Meggs (98 years this year!) is a very delicate and considered process, and I hope Meggsie’s loyal readers can appreciate the time taken to consider these changes and roll them out gradually, and enjoy the  exciting  adventures these new friends go on together.

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